Preguntas Frecuentes

What Contact fields can I import?

The following data can be imported into MYbusinessOS.  Download the Contact Import Template.

MYbusinessOS Field Contact Type Notes
Salutation Person Available Values: Mr., Ms., Mrs., Dr., Prof.
First Name Person Required Field (for a Person)
Middle Name Person
Last Name Person Required Field (for a Person)
Suffix Person
Related Organization (CommaDelimted) Person & Organization A Contact can be related to multiple Orgnizations
Title Person
Gender Person M/F/O
Business Name Organization Required Field (for an Organization)
Industry Organization
Number of Employees Organization
Annual Revenue Organization
Work Phone Person & Organization
Mobile Phone Person & Organization
Home Phone Person & Organization
Other Phone Person & Organization
Fax Person & Organization
Work Email Person & Organization The primary email address
Personal Email Person & Organization Your contacts can have an additional email addresses listed as well.
Website Person & Organization
Twitter Acct Person & Organization
Work Address Line 1 Person & Organization
Work Address Line 2 Person & Organization
Work City Person & Organization
Work County Person & Organization
Work State/Province Person & Organization
Work Zip/Postal Code Person & Organization
Work Country Person & Organization
Home Address Line 1 Person & Organization
Home Address Line 2 Person & Organization
Home City Person & Organization
Home County Person & Organization
Home State/Province Person & Organization
Home Zip/Postal Code Person & Organization
Home Country Person & Organization
Other Address Line 1 Person & Organization
Other Address Line 2 Person & Organization
Other City Person & Organization
Other County Person & Organization
Other State/Province Person & Organization
Other Zip/Postal Code Person & Organization
Other Country Person & Organization
Client Classification Person & Organization Must match exactly with the Client Classification Values in OS.  By default:
Client Vertical Person & Organization Must match exactly with the Client Classification Values in OS.
Sales Process Person & Organization This allows for you to dictate which sales process the lead that is created will be in.
This must match exactly with a Sales Process  in OS.
Sales Stage Person & Organization This allows for you to dictate which sales stage the lead that is created will be in.
This must match a exactly with Sales Stage  in OS.
Opportunity Value Person & Organization This allows for you to dictate the Opportunity value of the Contact, for the Sales stage imported.
Lead Source Person & Organization This allows for you to dictate the Source of the Contact.
This must match exactly with a Lead Source type in OS.
Campaign Person & Organization This allows for you to dictate which campaign the Contact is assigned to.
This must match exactly with a Campaign name in OS.
Primary Account Manager (CommaDelimted) Person & Organization This field allows for you to dictate who the lead gets assigned to the Contact.
Name must match exactly with the User’s First Name and Last Name
Secondary Account Manager (CommaDelimted) Person & Organization This field allows for you to dictate who the lead gets assigned to the Contact (as Secondary).  Name must match exactly with the User’s First Name and Last Name
User Defined Fields You can create your own set of Custom fields to store additional data.



Why do I get a ’Google API Service’ Error?

Why am I getting an error message when I try to perform
Since we are integrated with your Google Apps account, there are parts of the OS system that rely on the ongoing availability of some Google services.
When a Google service is unavailable or unreachable, you will get a message in OS reading “Google API Service exception“, or something to that effect.
This can happen when interacting with one of the following OS features:

  • Login
  • Change Password
  • Manage Users
  • Calendar or Appointments
  • To Dos
  • Email
  • Or any feature that sends out an email from your account.

Google provides an Apps Status Dashboard to monitor service outages or disruption:
Google Apps Status Dashboard

Can I see my Personal Gmail calendar in OS?

You have a personal Gmail calendar that you would like to see on the same page as your company-related calendar?

Not a problem!

Your OS Calendar is synced with your Google Apps Calendar – so anything you see in your Google calendar, you will also see in the OS Calendar. This includes any Calendars that are ‘shared’ with your OS Google email.

To see your personal calendar in OS, login to your personal calendar and follow the steps in this article:

NOTE: As step 2, enter your company email address (linked to OS). You want to make sure that your email has the highest possible permissions (Make changes AND manage sharing).

Logout and log back into OS. You should now see that calendar in your calendar list!
Check it off in your list as ‘visible’ to see all personal calendar event appear, along with your company-related events.

Why is my Good News video upside down?

Upside down videos can happen when recording using an Apple iOS device (e.g. iPhone or iPad).  This is due to the EXIF data stored for the video/image when the device is held a certain way.
Mobile devices can record in any orientation, but if the device is not held ‘right side up’, the video will appear rotated when it’s uploaded to another application.

Taking a Video using the camera button

Hold the device with the ‘Home’ button on the bottom (for vertical):

Why is my video upside down1


Hold the device with the ‘Home’ button to the right (for horizontal)

Taking a Video using the volume buttons

The opposite is true: Hold the device with the ‘Home’ button to the left with the camera lens at the back, facing down.

This allows you to start/stop the video using your right index finger.



Why can’t my client login to their eWindow?

If your client is trying to access their eWindow from work,  and they are not seeing a Username or Password error, they may be limited by a firewall.  Try having them log in using another computer on another network.

Why do I get an error when logging into OS?

If you receive an error when logging into OS, such as the following:

Error occurred while sending a direct message or getting the response.

It’s likely due to a failure to authenticate your Google account.  This could be due to a couple of issues:

If it’s a recent password or account security setting change, please execute the following steps to resolve:

  1. Logout of OS
  2. Logout of your Google account
  3. Go to your browser settings and clear cache and cookies
    1. Chrome
    2. Firefox
    3. Safari
  4. Log back in

This should resolve your Google authentication token.

If you continue to encounter the same problem, please contact your system administrator.